mardi 10 juillet 2012

Mon commentaire dans le du 5 juillet

Depuis quelques mois, je suis « Professeur annotateur » pour les membres de la Business education  communauté du Financial Times. Je dois dire que je trouve le FT très fin et mesuré dans ses propos sur François Hollande, ce qui tranche avec les jugements à l'emporte piècee du Premier ministre britannique. Voici ci-dessous ma note sur l’article « France : ready tojump ship » se faisant l’écho d’une « growing anxiety » des riches (FT du 5 juillet 2012).

Claude Revel, Skema Business School
There will be no need for Cameron's red carpet or Zürich haven for "the rich" living in France, as the FT article suggested at the end.
Mr Hollande is a smart economist (graduate of HEC - one of the best schools of management in France) and he knows perfectly well the basic requirements for competitiveness, for a company as well as for a State.
Moreover, he is advised by former (Macron) or current (Castries, Mestrallet etc) senior executives of firms, banks and insurance companies. Even Mr Pinault, the symbol of French capitalism declared in the last "Journal du Dimanche" that Mr Hollande was the only one to be able to rebuild the country out of the difficult situation in which it finds itself.
Without any spirit of controversy, it must be said that the economic situation Mr Hollande found was not exactly good. Two examples: the national debt had strongly increased during the former presidency and if departures of civil servants were announced, at the end the total amount of their salaries had not decreased. In other words, what was announced was not necessarily done.
Concerning the 75%, it is a symbol of fairness, of which I see the roots in the Bible (see the Parables). Instead of criticizing, the Medef President would rather make proposals and first, try to rebuild one of the French major scandals: the system of continuing education which is managed both by the Medef and the unions and which is well known to be sadly inefficient.
Lets' bet on Mr Hollande's awareness and capacities.